Last Sunday we all met up at Prospect Studios, a professional recording studio & rehearsal facility located in Allerton, Bradford.

The idea was to get a feel for what it takes to run a professional rehearsal and recording space in Bradford, but also to simply have another chance to play together.

We heard from Luke who had started the place when he was just 19, as a space to play in with is band. Over time it’s grown into 3 rehearsal spaces with recording facilities, with much of the improvements done in house.

We split into 3 groups to work, and with a little bit of help from our volunteers, Mike, Jonathan, and Henry, ran through some songs together (I heard Smells like Teen Spirit, Sweet Child o’ Mine, Fade Into You, The Middle, Blitzkrieg Bop and 505 among others).

At the end of the day each group was asked to perform their favourite/best song of the day to be recorded on video.

Brooke was also on hand to record some interviews and audio that we’ll put out on the radio.

Again, people seemed really keen to play. Everyone looked like they enjoyed themselves, and we got good feedback in terms of the event being what people wanted.

Suggestions for next time were things like ‘to play longer’, so we’ll see what we can do.

Here’s some audio from the day.

There is more audio from across the entire project on our Soundcloud and Mixcloud pages.

Big thank you to our volunteer, Syed, for editing the pictures.

Published by David Carpenter

Youth Development Worker at BCB Radio

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